Monday, May 18, 2009

The first part was simple, but creating the Blog and choosing a Blog name was tough!. Trying to be creative and keep it simple at the same time.

I feel that Blogs may have their place, such as political information, or breaking news, or even history information, but using it everyday takes too much time! If someone has NOTHING !else to do all day- that may be fine! Trying to keep online with a blog, emails, regular library research and work, consumes too much time. the old adage "Keep It Simple Stupid!" (I apologize for offending anyone) seems to work even in the 21st century.


  1. I agree - keeping it simple IS key, Michael! I've found that RSS and blogs have really simplified my work as a librarian. Not that I read blogs everyday, but adding library blogs, for example, to my reader, has enabled me to find programming ideas and book recommendations very quickly! I subscribe to quite a few of our county's library blogs (always great to see what the libraries are up) as well as other libraries around the country. And, I subscribe to quite a few children's literature and literacy blogs. I get very behind on these, but when I do have some time, I check them out and find awesome programming ideas (that I often share on the Youth Services blog) and book suggestions that I haven't come across in some of the professional literature (Horn Book, SLJ, etc.) that I read. Some of these blogs are written by parents and are helpful in that they provide a different perspective on children's reading than the professionals (us!) do.

    Again, this is not something I think anyone can do everyday, but having some of these useful blogs at the ready to check out when you have a few minutes is, I think, simple and easy!

  2. Michael! Hope you haven't given up on the 23Things tech-fun! Just stopping by to let you know that you can jump back in (and out again!) any time!
